Sunday, March 13, 2011

List of Organization work on Data Mining

Tom Khabaza
Tom helps organisations improve their marketing and customer processes, and to improve their efficiency, risk analysis and fraud detection, through new knowledge and predictive capabilities extracted from their data

The Modeling Agency (TMA)
The Modeling Agency (TMA) provides training, mentorship and solutions to the data-rich, yet information-poor. More than a hundred highly recognizable organizations have called upon TMA for strategic direction in predictive modeling and tactical support in data mining.

CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
The CRISP-DM project developed an industry- and tool-neutral data mining process model. Starting from the embryonic knowledge discovery processes used in early
data mining projects and responding directly to user requirements, this project defined and validated a data mining process that is applicable in diverse industry sectors. This methodology makes large data mining projects faster, cheaper, more reliable and more manageable. Even small scale data mining investigations benefit from using CRISP-DM.

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